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“IMAN GADHZI’s Agency Navigator Course Reveals how to start a service based Digital Marketing Agency from Scratch, GUARANTEED!”

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Are you ready to embrace the unconventional path or are you gonna just settle for conventional results?

ONLY ₹399 ₹10,394
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Actual Price $125/month (₹10,394/month)

What is the Agency Navigator Course?

Inside Agency Navigator, Iman Gadzhi teaches you how to start a service based-business- which is the best business model to generate cash-flow and unlock your dream life. With it you can achieve financial, time and location freedom with no prior experience.

Over 40 hours of step-by-step training covering EVERY aspect of building an agency, the best business model for beginners, from scratch. This is almost a plug & play system. Signing clients, running Facebook ads, building out your team, on-boarding clients, invoicing, sales… This program has everything covered for you. No other program in the market has generated more 6 and 7 figure earners than Agency Navigator.




Let’s go back to basics and unlock the fundamentals of running an agency. Understand the latest strategies and access all the tools and software you’ll need. In this introductory module I’m going to give you a 30.000-foot view of what is Agency Navigator, how it is structured, and show you all the tools and resources you have access to. Phase length: 7 lessons (3h20mins)
Phase length: 7 lessons (3h20mins)
Welcome to Agency Navigator! You’re about to experience the culmination of all the experience I’ve gathered over the years running my own agency, as well as teaching thousands of others to create their own agency from scratch and scale it to 10k, 20k, 50k, even 100k+ per month!
In this module I’m going to take your through a time-machine travel through the social media marketing industry. You’ll understand how this industry was molded and see the old way of thinking about running an agency – what we call the agency 1.0 and 2.0 model – and how that differs from the new most effective & optimized way of creating and running an agency: the 3.0 agency model. Then, I’ll show you the journey that lays ahead for you and give you the roadmap to $10k/month.
In the agency world, we use the word ‘niche’ to define any specific segment of the market. In this module I’m going to show you why choosing a niche is a crucial step when it comes to having a successful agency, and the exact traits that you want to look for when selecting the niche you want to serve. This will help you accelerate your success by tenfold.
After choosing your niche, the next vital step in your agency journey is selecting the right service to offer to your niche. In this module I’m going to show you exactly how to pin point what service to offer on your agency. I’ll show you the difference of what we call a convenience offers and ROI offers, the pros and cons of each one of them, and how they have a direct impact in your pricing and the angle that you use to offer said services.
After choosing your niche, the next vital step in your agency journey is selecting the right service to offer to your niche. In this module I’m going to show you exactly how to pin point what service to offer on your agency. I’ll show you the difference of what we call a convenience offers and ROI offers, the pros and cons of each one of them, and how they have a direct impact in your pricing and the angle that you use to offer said services.
Every profession has a specific tool for the trade. Guitarrists have guitar. Chefs have a set of knifes. As agency owners, the tools we use to create our magic are: softwares. And as in any profession, you should pick your tools well. In this module, So I’m going to show you how to pick the best tools to run your agency
During this whole phase we’ve worked on the foundations needed to run your agency. From choosing your niche and service to setting up your tech stack. Now, we’re going to set up the remaining structure needed to get your agency up and running. This includes the legal aspects of setting up a company, picking an agency name, creating your website and Facebook Business manager.


The 7-Figure Mindset

As part of GrowYourAgency’s full-circle approach, we cover each aspect of success, including adopting and creating a solid mindset. Thousands of people have had access to the systems and processes I deliver in this program. Some of them went on to make hundreds of thousands with it. And some never made a single penny, with the exact same content. This phase is what creates the difference between the two.
Phase length: 7 lessons (4h55mins)
In this video, we will explore personal growth and self-help philosophies, discussing topics such as manifestation and hustle culture. I am sharing insights gained from interactions with 3,000 students and highlights the significance of inner work for transformation.
In this module we go into how your beliefs affect your actions and thus your results, and why in life you don’t get what you deserve, but rather what you think you deserve. You’ll also get to fill out the SBA worksheet, which is basically where you get to decide what you want your future to look like.
In this module you’ll learn how to develop unwavering focus by going into “Monk Mode”. I’ll explain what Monk Mode is and how to build your own Monk Mode protocol. This is one of the students’ favorite topic.
After spending $200k+ on self optimization, all kinds of biohacks, medical-grade equipament, health tracking devices, coaches, and more, I’m going to give you an ultimate summary of what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to optimising your health, sleep and nutrition in order for you to get the greatest output possible.
In this module we go into how to maintain a social life & build your social circle while running your agency. You’ll learn how to structure the social aspect of your life in a way that don’t get you sidetracked from your main goals, but at the same time still reaps the benefits of having a supportive and winning social circle. You’ll also get to see how to properly deal with parents and get them to understand your vision when it comes to your professional life, college, & career.
In this module I’m going to show what your ideal day should look like as an agency owner so that you get as much productive focused work done. You’ll get a real peek behind the curtain on my morning routine, team calls, sales calls, daily agency operations, as well as see me sending an invoice for a 4-figure client performance fee.
Just like you go to the gym 3-5x a week to train your body, you should also set apart a few minutes of your day to train your brain. In this module, Iman teaches you how to rewire the neural pathways in your brain through meditation, affirmations and visualization.


Systems & Processes

Learn how to set your agency up for success with corporate structure, taxes and accounting; as well as pricing your services correctly and competitively, and communicating efficiently with your clients.
Phase length: 8 lessons (2h36mins)
A business is a collection of systems and processes. Phase 3 is where I’ll hand you all the systems and processes I’ve spent years creating and polishing in my own agency. In this introductory module, you’ll learn 4 specific pricing models to implement in your agency, and find out when to use each one of them depending on the service you’re delivering.
When it comes to pricing, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. There’s no “correct answer”. That’s why in this module, you’re going to learn foundations to come-up with your own pricing model – that is exclusive for your agency – when offering services for local businesses.
When it comes to pricing, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. There’s no “correct answer”. That’s why in this module, you’re going to learn foundations to come-up with your own pricing model – that is exclusive for your agency – when offering services for ecommerce or infoproduct clients.
In this module you’re going to understand why free-trials don’t work when it comes to getting clients, what you should offer instead. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of paid-trials in order to reduce the friction from the sales process and when is the best time to use them.
In this module I’m going to show you how to attract dream clients to your agency. Making sure that you attract the right type of person is the key difference between having an agency where you wake up excited to do work and talk to your clients, and an agency that feels like a living nightmare. Remember: you’ll be spending the majority of your time with your clients, so it’s important that you enjoy it and get it right from the get go.
In this module I’m going to show you how to set up all the structure needed for you to receive client payments. I’ll also tell you the reason why you should ALWAYS auto-bill clients (which most agency owners don’t realize) and how it has a direct effect on client retention and churn. Then, you’ll see how to automate the whole process of getting paid.
Just like you go to the gym 3-5x a week to train your body, you should also set apart a few minutes of your day to train your brain. In this module, Iman teaches you how to rewire the neural pathways in your brain through meditation, affirmations and visualization.
In this module I’m going to show you how to shift from reactive client communication to proactive client communication. This will allow you to communicate with clients in the most efficient way to keep them happy, engaged, reduce the churn to a minimum – all the while avoiding them from spamming you with messages, calls, and emails during your workday. This way you’ll never get abruptly interrupted by non-scheduled calls and requests from clients, ever again..


Client Outreach: Finding Leads & Setting Meetings

With an astonishing array of information on finding and communicating with leads, you’ll have no trouble setting meetings with potential clients. As well as cold emailing, calling, and messaging being covered in excruciating detail, you can now learn more advanced outreach methods such as LinkedIn, UpWork, and automated emails.
Phase length: 10 lessons (2h28mins)
A business is a collection of systems and processes. Phase 3 is whereIn this module I’m going to teach the best timeless principles when it comes to outreach. During this module, you’re going to learn a lot of different strategies when it comes to outreach. However, before going into them, it’s important to understand the principles behind them which make them so effective. And that’s why I’ll show you in this module. No bullshit, no flashy tactics and hacks. Just timeless principles that simply work.ems and processes I’ve spent years creating and polishing in my own agency. In this introductory module, you’ll learn 4 specific pricing models to implement in your agency, and find out when to use each one of them depending on the service you’re delivering.
In this module I’m going to show you how to craft an irresistible offer that simply obliterates any possible objection from your clients. This will allow you to close clients with more ease, while increase their trust in your ability to provide them with results. I’ll then explain in detail the different between an offer and an angle – and how to combine both for maximum conversion rate.
It’s plain and simple. In this module I’m going to show you how to get a f*ck ton of leads, for free. This works whether you work with local businesses, ecommerces, or infoproduct businesses. I’ll show you can find & qualify them using tools like Google Maps, Groupon, Facebook groups and more. Then, I’ll also show you how you can find the email address of owners and founders with a few simple tricks.
In this module I’m going to show you how to amplify your lead generation efforts through paid strategies. I’ll show you exactly when it makes sense to start implementing paid strategies and how you can outsource this task to VAs.
In this module I’m going to show you how to take the leads that you found in the last 2 modules and store & organize them in a cohesive manner. I’ll show you different CRM options (paid and free), such as Pipedrive and Trello, and how to properly use them to store your leads.
In this module I’m going to show you the high-level overview of the Profile Funnel and how to execute it. This strategy will allow you to get leads contacting you and asking to do business with you (instead of the other way around). It requires a more mid to long-term approach, since it takes a while to get momentum with it… But once you dial it in, this can be a gold mine for your agency.
In this module I’m going to show you how to use LinkedIn to generate leads for your agency. At the end of the day, LinkedIn is the largest social media platform tailored for business owners. That means, it is the perfect place to find your ideal prospects hanging out. And I’m going to show you how to take advantage of this environment in the most effective way.
In this module I’m going to show you some advanced LinkedIn tactics. We’ll go into how to use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator for next-level prospecting on LinkedIn, as well as a couple other LinkedIn automations.
In this module I’m going to show you everything you need to set up in order to start with your cold email outreach efforts. I’ll show you how to buy a domain, set up GSuite, warm up your email address to prevent your emails from landing on spam, and how to properly track your cold email campaigns.


Agency Focused Sales

Nail the most important element of agency growth, parry objections, and learn from real-life case studies from a real-life agency owner. Complete with one-and-two-call-close scripts, and paid trial methodology, this is the ultimate guide to agency sales. You’ll also get access to our vault of real live sales breakdown from my own agency.
Phase length: 8 lessons (3h03mins)
In this introductory module, I’m going to show you the fundamental difference between product sales vs service sales, and why using high-pressure sales tactics commonly preached in most sales training can work for product sales, but will 100% backfire when the subject is service sales. I’ll then show you what approach to take instead, and what at NOT to do when it comes to sales.
What you say is only 20-30% of the sales call. The non-verbal sub-communication plays a major role on the outcome of the call. This entails your tonality, your cadence, but also more detailed aspects such as your audio and video quality, how well put together you are, you video background, and more. So in this module I’m going to show you the sub-communication that you should carry into the call in order to create “assumed authority” when talking to clients.
In this module I’m going to explain the basic difference between a call and an offer and how that affects the 2 sales frameworks that we teach at Agency Navigator: the 1-call close and the 2-call close. You’ll understand what is the use-case for each framework and which one you should pick for your agency sales process.
In the last module you learned the best use-cases for 1-call closes and 2-call closes. Now, in this module I’m going to show you all the details when it comes to actually executing the 1-call close. I’ll walk you through the 5 phases of the 1CC and what to expect in each one of them.
In the last module you learned how to execute the 1-call close. Now, in this module is a continuation of it, where I’ll show you exactly how to execute the 2-call close. I’ll show you exactly what to say in each call and how structure each one of them for the best output. Make sure you watch the two modules in order, because they build on top of each other.
In this module I’m going to show you how to use paid trials to increase the conversion rate of your calls. This is not something that should always be used, so I’m going to show you exactly the use-cases of paid trials and when is best to take advantage of it.
In this module I’m going to show you how to properly handle objections when it comes to service-based sales. I’ll explain in detail the difference between objections and logistics issues – which may sound really similar, but come from a total different emotional state from the client. Most people don’t realize this key distinction, which leads them trying to handle the objection/logistic issue in the wrong way – and end up loosing a potential client as a result. I’ll show you how to avoid committing this same mistake.
In this module I’m going to show you how to take the references experiences you have been collecting during your sales calls and use them so that each one builds on top of each other. This way, you can make sure that you get better and better at every sales call you attend.
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